People who want the best possible care for their mouths often ask if they should be using an electric or manual toothbrush.
The short answer is both electric and manual toothbrushes can properly clean teeth. Which one to get depends largely on the person, their attitude, and how they brush.
• Can tell you how long to brush for
• Some models can stop you placing too much pressure on teeth
• Rotate faster than manual brushes so can 'cover more' for less effort, ideal for 'lazy brushers'
• Cheaper than electric brush
• Do not need charging
What to look for in a brush:
• It should have a Soft or Medium bristle strength (hard bristles can damage teeth/gums)
• It should be small enough to navigate hard to reach areas such as behind wisdom teeth
The young, the elderly, or the disabled:
• Consider using a larger brush head if manual dexterity is poor
• For people with reduced grip strength, consider a large handle, or even use a 'tennis ball handle' with your brush
• Make small children love brushing! Use of their favorite characters or colors on a small toothbrush is a good way to make sure they brush their teeth
Now that you've selected your appropriate toothbrush, read about how to brush your teeth in another blog post here.
For more reading about brush selection, read this nurses network article.
Dr John Bresnan