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After you have a tooth extracted

DO NOT DISTURB the healing socket

For the next few days, and especially the first 24 hours, it is very important to allow your body to form a good clot and start the natural healing process. Swishing, sucking through a straw, and smoking can all dislodge the clot. Be sure to chew on the opposite side for 24 hours. Eat soft food and maintain a healthy diet, drink plenty of water.

Numbness (particularly for children)

Be very careful not to bite, chew, pinch, or scratch the numb area, cheek or tongue. You will be numb for several hours.


Some discomfort is normal after surgery. If the dentist thinks you are at risk of pain after extraction, you will be prescribed a pain medication. Take these before the anaesthesia wears off. Taking with food or milk will help reduce upset stomach.


When you leave our surgery, you will be biting on a gauze pad to

control bleeding. The dentist will have checked to make sure major bleeding has stopped when you leave. Keep slight pressure on this gauze by biting on it for at least 30 minutes. After 30 minutes you may remove it.

If you have persistant bleeding, dampen a tea bag and wring it out, then apply on the socket and bite down gently for 30 mins. The tea bag has an effect of stopping bleeding.

Cleaning your teeth

Do not brush your teeth for the first 8 hours after surgery. After this, you may brush your teeth gently, but avoid the area of surgery for 3 days. Do not rinse for 24 hours after exctration as this may disturb healing in the area.


Smoking should be stopped following surgery. Healing and success of the surgery will be substantially reduced by the cigarette smoke chemicals in your body. Also the suction created when inhaling cigarettes can dislodge the clot. Smokers are at greater risk of developing a painful ''Dry Socket''.

Upper molar and premolar teeth only

Avoid blowing your nose for 1 week following surgery, as the sinus can be close to the socket and can put pressure on the area.


After leaving the surgery, rest and avoid strenuous activities for the remainder of the day. Keeping blood pressure lower will reduce bleeding and aid healing.

Contact our surgery and/or leave a message IF YOU HAVE:

  • uncontrollable pain

  • excessive or severe bleeding

  • marked fever

  • excessive warm swelling occurring a few days after the procedure

  • reactions to medications, especially rash, itching, or breathing problem

OUR NUMBER IS 021 454 3856

Our aim is for you to have uneventful and pleasant healing by following these instructions.

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